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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Burnout to Re-Ignition

            So I am in the direct sales industry; hints the title of the blog! I have been doing this for four years so I am not a rookie. I have a wealth of knowledge to share, but I also have more to learn which makes creating this blog a perfect idea! (Yep, I'm tooting my own horn for a minute.)

After four years in the business, I felt completely burned out! I am sure that many of you have been there in your own businesses. Everyone does and if you haven't yet, don't worry...you will. Anyway, I was trying to come up with different ways to reignite the spark that I had for my business and I was going over every little piece of paper that I had taken notes on for the past four years.

That is when it hit me! Share! Share what I have learned with those around me. Every time I sponsored a new person into the business, I got excited! But I stopped actively sponsoring people when I began taking college courses to complete my Bachelor's degree. Sponsoring takes alot of time to make sure that your newbie starts out well and develops a basic good business, BUT it also revs up your excitement for your own business!

So that is why I decided to create a blog. I want to share the knowledge that I have about the direct sales business with someone. I have plenty of stuff to share on every aspect of the direct sales business, but I do not have the time to sponsor a large number of people in order to share this wealth of knowledge.

I will be back soon to start sharing the different things I have learned in this amazing business. I do want to leave you with something before I go though. If you are stuck in the same spot that I was in, please think about what it is about your business that made you love it at first. Was it the excitement of meeting new people? Or was it the possibility of making unlimited income on your own schedule? Was it the thrill of helping other people and filling the needs of others? Or was it the thought of living a life most people only dream of?

Whatever it was that made you excited in the beginning of your business, find it and write it down right now on an index card. Tape that card up on your computer, bathroom mirror or refrigerator - wherever you will see it every day. Whenever you see that card, read it to yourself. This will help you connect with your original purpose and excitement for your business.

Happy Sales to You!

Jules ~ The Fun Party Lady

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